6-Week Queer/Trans Asian Relational Embodiment Group
There is a growing need to cultivate new and forgotten ways of healing in order to sustain true wellness and meaningful engagement in the world.
This 6-week in-person group weaves together elements of talk therapy, group psychology, somatics/movement, touch, and relational exercises to cultivate embodiment, relational healing, and liberation.
Some themes we will explore include: belonging and othering, authenticity, who/what we’re drawn to and why, intimacy and safety, relational edges, “taking up space”, and balancing connection to self with connection to others.
Program Details
Group will be limited to 5-8 participants.
Scholarships for up to 50% off total cost are available.
Email questions to: teresatrinhcounseling@gmail.com
Program Dates:
Fridays from 9:30-11:30am
April 18 - May 23, 2025
Application deadline: April 4, 2025
TBA in Oakland, CA
$480 for the 6-week group
Week 1 :: WOOD
Seeding and Expanding Ideas of Embodiment and Relating
Week 2 :: FIRE
Exploration, Authentic Expression, and Play
Week 3 :: EARTH
Grounding into Our True Nature & Relational Witnessing
Week 4 :: METAL
Discernment, Boundaries, and Presence
Week 5 :: WATER
Flowing at the Relational Edge
Week 6 :: 天地人 / SPIRIT-EARTH-BEING
Harmonizing Polarities & Living the Relational Dance
Practice Schedule
Throughout our six weeks together, we will enter a collective dance that is fueled by creative potential, attunement, responsiveness, and care.
We will ground in our physical bodies, explore our relational edges, and learn to co-create a container (and ultimately, a world) that we want to exist in together.
This group is open to queer and/or trans adults who are a part of the Asian diaspora, including mixed race folks. Since this group involves both solo body exploration and touch, which can be sensitive for individuals with any kind of trauma history, participants are encouraged to have cultivated some level of body awareness practice in the past or present (ex. somatic therapy, martial arts, yoga, dance, massage, etc.) Those who are interested in non-verbal healing approaches, solo body exploration, movement, and consensual, non-sexual touch to explore relational edges are invited to join.
$80 for each two-hour group session
$480 total for the 6-week group
Limited scholarships for up to 50% off the total price are available. Email requests to teresatrinhcounseling@gmail.com.
Due to the intimate nature of the group and the short duration of our time together, participants are requested to commit to all six group sessions. If you are interested in joining but unable to make one session date, please note this in your application.